Sunday, June 10, 2012


We had an awesome weekend! It started on Friday when we went w the Butler crew to Jones Orchard & picked peaches, plums, blueberries, & blackberries! We saw a rooster & the biggest pigs ever! Seriously. The rest of the weekend was spent just doing weekend stuff...errands, relaxing, church today, & swimming/riding bikes. My favorite kind of weekend is when we don't HAVE to be somewhere. We just go w our own flow. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I really wish I was better at this blogging stuff. I keep up so well & then I'll go months without posting a thing. Unfortunately the reason that got me back on here is the blog of Kate Krull who has been writing about her daughter Lucy for the past 18 months & her battle w cancer. Lucy is losing that battle & it seems there's only a matter of time. It makes me wonder why? How could this possibly be? Why would our loving God take such a sweet, innocent little girl? I guess these are questions that are just left unanswered & your faith has to be what helps see you through things like this. Almost 3 weeks ago my friend Heather's baby boy passed away at only 3 weeks old. He was born with a deflated lung. Pregnancy was great, no signs or symptoms of any complications. Again, more questions of "why?". And through these things it makes me love my God & seek Him more to forever be thankful for my blessings. My beautiful, healthy children whom God has entrusted me with. It makes me want to hold them & never let go. It makes me want to fall on my knees in prayer & never get up. Hopefully I will be better about blogging, hopefully I will never have to blog about such tragedy, hopefully the Krulls, Heather, & other parents who have lost children WAY too soon will find strength to make it one day at a time & never lose their faith.