Saturday, February 5, 2011

One week down and I'm voting no weeks to go!

Ok, 7 days with a guinea pig is about 4-5 too many. She's cute and sweet but poops EVERYWHERE! I cant handle it! They say you have to give guinea pigs a lot of attention and that they're not like hampsters where you can just leave them in the cage all the time. I think whoever came up with that is sick minded and thats their idea of a joke because everytime you get her out to play or just pet her she poops all over you, the couch, the chair, the blanket, whatever is around! The person who came up with the "love your guinea pig" idea is the same person standing in the pet store snickering as you walk out the door to take one home as your new "pet". But of course after a week Avery's in love with her. (Why? I dont know. I'll never understand most of the things that go through a 4 yr olds mind) So it looks like she's here to stay. Oh Yay. All I can say is I never really wanted the thing to begin with so I'm going back to my original thought process. Rodents are rodents and they live in the wild or in pet stores. What happened to my mind for the few days before and the few days after we got her I'll never know. Maybe Chase put a spell on me....

1 comment:

  1. I don't care who you are that's funny.Maybe you should get a boy pig and sell the offspring,and laugh like hell as you count the money.If not just rub Chase's nose in the poop
