Monday, January 31, 2011

It's been awhile...

We all seem to be so busy lately! I never have time to get on here and update everyone on whats been going on with us! The latest news in the Williams family is that we got a guinea pig...yes, a guinea pig! Her name is Bugsy and she's a sweetheart! Guinea pigs look like a big hampster but act nothing like them. She loves to snuggle up with you and be petted. She never bites except when she nibbles on your your finger to let you know she's hungry:) Those of you who know us well know that we are dog people and for those of you who know me at all you know I am not a "rodent" person!! But, because of the size of our backyard and other issues we decided a dog was not a good first pet at this time in our lives. So, after Avery begging for a pet for so long we started to do some research. The more I read about them the more I didnt think it would be SO bad. So, off we went to PetSmart and brought home Bugsy. I loved her that night. She was so scared and so nervous (I would be too if I weighed half a pound and lived with Garner. I'm...well a lot more than half a pound and there are times I'm not so sure about Garner!) So I took her under my wing and protected her. I am posting some pics of her and the kids. They both love her!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Times they are a changin'...

We had a very uneventful weekend and it made me think how much my life has changed. When I was younger, an uneventful weekend was not heard of, I never wanted to stay home or just "do nothing". My life as a teenager and early twenties was, well...too eventful. Now, a weekend where we can just be a family and be completely unscheduled is great. Life sure does change when you grow up, get married, and become a parent. The things that used to be so important seem so minor now. When I had Avery at the age of 25 my world flipped upside down. Nothing was about me anymore. My life up to that point had been all about Melissa. What Melissa wanted, what Melissa needed. Now, I'm looking at this beautiful little girl that God trusted me to take care of. It's the most powerful, amazing feeling in the world. He decided, at that moment that my heart was going to forever walk outside my body. He knew at that time I needed her more than she needed me. Don't get me wrong, I've still made many mistakes since she's been born but I know whats important now and I try to live my life knowing that there are two pairs of little eyes and two pairs of little ears that see and hear everything I do:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

1st ride down the hill
We woke up to 4 inches of snow today! Avery came barreling out of her room and jumped in our bed, then made us look out the window (as if we didnt believe her!) So, 3 cups of coffee, 30 minutes of bundling up, and a short car ride later we were at the hill and ready to sled...and by the way, it was only 7:40 am when we got there. We didnt stay too long since Garner has been having breathing troubles this weekend and obviously the cold air was not great for his lungs. We came home and played in our front yard for a bit and then came inside and drank some hot chocolate:) Chase ended up having to go into work so right now the kids and I are snuggled up and watching Toy Story 3. 

My angel making a snow angel:)

Apparently the snow tasted good...

Sweet faces

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Me and My Baby Girl!

It's very rare that I actually get to be in a picture with either of my kids or my husband since I am always the one taking them so when one pops up I am thrilled! I am borrowing my mom's camera while they're in Guatamala and I found this one she had taken at my niece, Savannah's birthday party in November. I had to post it because it's one of Avery and ME and its super cute!

Go Hope!

Avery started cheering for Hope's basketball team and had her first game today! She really seems to enjoy it and looks absolutely adorable in her uniform! All the girls on her squad did great! It's hard to believe that we are already at the age where shes getting into sports and exploring different things to see where she'll find her niche! My baby girl is growing up so fast!! I am posting more pics on Picasa so click on the "links" tab to the right and it will take you to the album.

Avery and Clara

Before the game
Action shot:)

Halftime cheers

After the game...they did great!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great New Years! We didnt do much, just stayed at home and tried our hardest to stay awake until midnight! Chase and I have become such homebodies:) The kids decided they wanted to have a slumber party in Avery's room so we set them up with their sleeping bags and pillow pets and lasted about 15 minutes until we realized it was never going to work! So, we put Garner in his own bed and after they screamed at us for awhile they finally went to sleep. The 3 day weekend was nice, as always, and we just spent quality time as a family before gearing up for back to work/school after the holidays.
Happy New Year and I hope for everyone to be greatly blessed in 2011!!